The 39 Steps

- Has that penetrated?
- Right to the funny bone.

- Now tell me another one.
- Haven't you any sense at all?

Put that call through!
l beg of you! Refer them to me.

- Will you do this?
- No. Good night.

l beg pardon, miss,
but we should like you to come too.

- Whatever for?
- To identify the prisoner formally.

- Will you come to the police station?
- What?

- lt's only for a few minutes.
- lf it's necessary, let's get it over.

Now you.
- Must l sit next to this man?
- lt's only for a short time.

Be as quick as you can.
All right.
lsn't that the police station?
We're running past it.

- Tell the man.
- You must have misunderstood me.

We're not exactly going
to this police station.

- Where are we going?
- To lnverary.

- lnverary?
- Yes, miss.

This man is to be questioned
by the Sheriff Principal.

- We have orders to take him there.
- You have no orders to take me.

No, miss,
but l'm afraid you must go.

l'll see you're sent back
as early as possible.

- How far is it to lnverary?
- Forty miles.

- Keep quiet.
- Sorry.

- We'll be there in less than two hours.
- l'm spending half the night with you?

lt looks like it.
