The Lives of a Bengal Lancer

and aII the officer sahibs,
to an entertainment

in your honor,
tonight at the paIace.

I accept on their
behaIf with pIeasure.

AII my thanks
to His Highness.

""(music pIaying)
(speaking Hindi)
His Highness awaits you.
Salaam, CoIoneI Sahib.

Salaam, Your Highness.
(braceIets jingIing)
May I present the officers
of the 41st BengaI Lancers,
Your Highness?

(Emir Iaughing)
(Emir speaking Hindi)
My poor hoveI is yours,

Everything here
is for your pIeasure.

PIease enjoy yourseIves.
Now, this is what
army Iife shouId be.

Like the Arabian Nights,
isn't it?

Anything Iike this
in Canada, Mac?

Quite a teepee, huh?
""(music pIaying)
(braceIets jingIing)
I sent to London
for that, and you--

(Emir Iaughing)
My two good friends.
My guest, CoI. Stone.

My guest, Mohammed Khan.
Very gIad to
know you Khan sahib.

At Iast, CoI. Stone.
We aImost met once before,
did we not, you and I?

Yes, I--I beIieve we did.
Just missed you, didn't I?
