-Yes, really.
Aren't you interested
to know who it is?
Oh, yes, who is it?
The Baron de Varville, one of the richest
and most elegant gentlemen in Paris.
One foot in the grave
and a wig on his head.
Not at all. Not at all. Quite the contrary.
He's young and handsome.
l heard from one of the girls in my shop
who heard from his valet...
...he's gonna be at the theater tonight.
That's why l wanted you to look your best.
Come here.
l want to send a note.
And l'll give you a handsome tip
if you get it to the right person.
Do you know the Baron de Varville?
-Yes, madame.
Well, that's done.
We go this way.
My dear, you're as good
as a baroness already.
Don't forget. l arranged it all.
-Where are we sitting?
-Box A, of course. l always ask for Box A.
The baron can't miss it.
Come, come, old dear, open Box A.
-Someone else is in there.
-Good evening. Let me see your ticket.
-Why, this says Box B.
-l asked for Box A.