Come here.
l want to send a note.
And l'll give you a handsome tip
if you get it to the right person.
Do you know the Baron de Varville?
-Yes, madame.
Well, that's done.
We go this way.
My dear, you're as good
as a baroness already.
Don't forget. l arranged it all.
-Where are we sitting?
-Box A, of course. l always ask for Box A.
The baron can't miss it.
Come, come, old dear, open Box A.
-Someone else is in there.
-Good evening. Let me see your ticket.
-Why, this says Box B.
-l asked for Box A.
lf you'd wear your spectacles,
you'd see what you get.
-None of your lip.
-Not so much fuss.
-Wait, who's in there?
-A friend of yours.
Well, what's so funny about it,
l'd like to know.
How you arranged everything for Olympe.
That cat. lf you think l'm going to let...
...a cheating, lying wretch like that
upset my plans, you're wrong.
-She's got to change places with us.
-Well, fight it out, ladies.
-My angel.
-Marguerite, darling.
Oh, how are you, my dear?
How beautiful we look this evening.
-Nice perfume. What is it?
-That's my secret.
-And how are you, you old robber?
-You're great for teasing, aren't you?
ls there any point in our staying out here
in this draft?
Oh, look here, Olympe, there's been
a little mistake about our tickets...
...and we want you
to change boxes with us.