-He must be very young and handsome.
-Oh, no.
He's quite old. He's older than Nanine.
But, well, he needs someone to take care
of him, and l know Olympe won't.
So much heart and so little sense.
l shall take a good look
at your new coachman when l come back.
-Thank you.
-Now, goodbye.
Keep an eye on her, Nanine.
Two thousand two hundred and forty
for this magnificent pair of chestnuts.
They're the finest pair
in the whole of France.
Why, they're worth 5000 at least.
-Two thousand five hundred.
-Bid, Nanine, 3000.
-Twenty-five hundred once.
-Three thousand.
So that's what you came for.
l might've known it.
Three thousand and one hundred francs.
Three thousand seven hundred and fifty.
-Four thousand. Four!
-Four thousand.
Four thousand for this fine pair of chestnuts
which is easily worth 7.
-Oh, that's too much.
-Of course. Don't bid anymore.
-l won't.
Four thousand one hundred.
-Four thousand one hundred.
-Four thousand five hundred.
-Five thousand!
-Five thousand. Five thousand!
Five thousand francs for this magnificent
pair of chestnuts, ladies and gentlemen.
They can be sold any day for 1 0.
-Five thousand one hundred.
-Six thousand.
-Six thousand.
-Six thousand. Six thousand.
Six thousand francs.
Six thousand francs.
Ladies and gentlemen. Once, twice.
Ladies and gentlemen, sold at 6000 francs.
Well, l hope they don't run away
and kill you. l hear they're none too safe.
Go settle with the auctioneer, Nanine.
Tell the old coachman
we'll take him with the horses.
-You really have a heart, Marguerite.
-Yes. lt's going to cost her a lot.
-l hope mine never gets that soft.
-Don't worry, it won't.
lt's a great mistake for any woman
to have a heart bigger than her purse.