Darling Nanine, perfect Nanine,
hurry up.
-Good evening, my dear.
-Good evening.
You've lost no time in celebrating
my departure, l see.
So you didn't go to Russia after all.
-l had an idea you wouldn't.
You may flatter yourself.
l can't do without you.
After driving most of the day, l turned
round and drove most of the night back.
What's this? More supper.
-For two. Whom were you expecting?
-You. Put it there, Nanine.
l have learned never to believe a man
when he says he's leaving town.
-Won't you have something to eat?
-l'm not hungry.
Then drink something.
Come and drink with me.
-l'm not thirsty.
-l am.
-Many happy returns.
-Thank you.
This part is so difficult.
-l hate all the sharps.
-l'm afraid your mind's not on it.
Why, you know very well
l've never been able to play it.
-But you play it beautifully.
-My one merit.
-Won't you play it for me?
-Aren't you tired? lt's very late.