-l've changed my mind, Prudence.
-Oh, come now, get dressed. l'll wait.
No, no, no.
Look, how do you spell ''apology''?
Good gracious, how should l know?
l'm no scholar.
Even so, you've been living in Paris.
Six years ago, l couldn't even
write my own name.
Here's a letter which just came.
Perhaps Nanine knows how
to spell ''apology.''
She asked me that once before today.
ls it the same apology?
Oh, don't bother. lt isn't necessary now.
lf that young man has made you unhappy,
he's the one who should spell ''apology.''
lt's all my fault.
He's going away, Prudence.
Stop your nonsense. He won't go.
They never do.
No, l think he means it.
And perhaps it's better.
But he had no right to write
such things to me.
Of course he didn't. Now, come along.
Let's go to the theater.
But first you'll stop at his place
and find out if he's really going away.
Why on earth does anyone
live four flights up?
-You've come with a message.
-Yes, l've got to sit down...
...before l can talk.
-From Mademoiselle Gautier?
Girl's a fool.
She wants to know if you're really
starting out to see the world...
...as you wrote her yesterday.
-Yes, it's true. l'm leaving in the morning.
You and Marguerite are safer apart.
Didn't l tell you to wait in the carriage?
Oh, so you really are going away,
Armand Duval?
Wait down in the carriage
yourself, Prudence.
Oh, very well,
since l'm not wanted here.