Until you're well and strong again.
-Oh, what nonsense.
-Why is it nonsense?
-lt costs money to go to the country.
-l have money.
Yes, how much?
Seven thousand francs a year.
l spend more than that in a month...
...and l have never been too particular
where it came from, as you probably know.
-Don't say such things.
-Well, it's true.
Give up the baron.
l must give you up.
l've told you before
that you should forget me.
So you go on your trip around the world
and put me out of your mind.
l thought l meant something to you.
You mean too much already.
But you're young,
and your life is before you.
You know what mine
has been already.
-lt doesn't matter.
-Doesn't it?
...you need love more than
you need money just now.
You need care even more than love.
l can take such good care of you,
if you'll let me.
You wouldn't be happy with me.
No, probably not.
Nor you with me.
l'll leave Paris today.
l was....
l was only thinking of you, my dear.
l wasn't thinking of myself, really.
Then come to the country with me.
Well, if l should, for a little while...
...promise not to be jealous and not to think
things that'll make you miserable.
Yes, l promise.
-l swear not to be jealous if you....
-lf you swear not to see the baron again.
-No, you see?
-You will only torture yourself.
-But if you swear.
One hour from now, you will ask me
to swear about something else.