Come and Get It

Ain't you going
to see her before you go?

I haven't got time.
No. That isn't it.
I couldn't see her. Swan.

If I did. I might not go.
You gotta tell her for me.

What I going to say?
- Tell her the truth.
- But. Barney. I can't...

- I'm sorry. Swan. So long.
- Good-bye. Barney.

- No. It's me.
- Just a minute.

- Hello. Swan.
- Hey. Lotta.

- Well?
- Lotta...

- Well. Do you like it?
- What? I like what?

Holy smokes. And it took me
two hours to do it.

- To do what?
- My hair. Stupid.

- I fixed it without the thingamajigs.
- Ja. I like that. Look nice.

- You think Barney will like it?
- Ja. I think...

- Lotta. I got to tell you something.
- What?

Lotta... Lotta.
I ain't feel good.

- What's the matter. Swan?
- I got to tell you...

- That's too bad. You want a drink?
- Ja. You bet you I want drink.

- You probably need it.
- You drink. Too?

I'll have one with you.
- Feel any better?
- Ja. A little bit.

Where'd you leave Barney?

I leave... I leave Barney
down the street. I think I have another.

- What were you gonna tell me?
- I was gonna tell you...

I was gonna
tell you about... about Barney.

You know. Barney's...
Barney's funny fella. He ain't say much.

I know that.
He ain't like other fellas.
Someday he's going to be big man.

- That all he think about.
- He's different.

I knew that the minute I met him.
Like getting a bang on the nose.
For a while.
I didn't know what happened.
