Come and Get It

I'm still going to marry her. Swan.
Well. What about Lotta?
Well. I...
- Oscar. Help me get out of here.
- Ja. Barney. I come right away.

You don't understand. Swan.
I've got to do it.
It means being Hewitt's partner.

That's what I've been working
all my life for.

Well. Why don't you say something?
I ain't say nothing.
You know already what I got to say.

Sure. Maybe you're right.
Lotta is...
I didn't think it was going this far.

- You break her heart. Barney.
- She'll get over it.

Tell her...
Tell her if she ever
needs anything. To let me know.

She can have anything she wants.
You think she'd take it?
What you say... me tell her?
Ain't you going
to see her before you go?

I haven't got time.
No. That isn't it.
I couldn't see her. Swan.

If I did. I might not go.
You gotta tell her for me.

What I going to say?
- Tell her the truth.
- But. Barney. I can't...

- I'm sorry. Swan. So long.
- Good-bye. Barney.

- No. It's me.
- Just a minute.

- Hello. Swan.
- Hey. Lotta.

- Well?
- Lotta...

- Well. Do you like it?
- What? I like what?

Holy smokes. And it took me
two hours to do it.

- To do what?
- My hair. Stupid.

- I fixed it without the thingamajigs.
- Ja. I like that. Look nice.

- You think Barney will like it?
- Ja. I think...
