Come and Get It

How do you do?
Why you stand up. Barney?
Sit down. Sit down.

- Ain't he just like what I say?
- Yes.

Father's told me so much about you.
Here we are. Mr. Glasgow.
Here's your fruit.
Lotta. Get the coffee and the toast.

We're glad to have you here.
And your chicken liver
will be ready in just a moment.

- She pretty. Barney. Just like her ma.
- For a moment. I thought it was.

She's smart. Too. She go to school
three night a week. Study hard.

She say. "I ain't going to
work here always.

Someday I get better job."
That's fine. Swan. That's fine.
- So you don't like it here?
- Heavens. No.

I want to go to Milwaukee
and learn something.

I don't want to be stuck here
like Pa and Karie.

We hear that all the time.
Did you enjoy your breakfast?

Yes. Thanks. Very much.
That smells nice.
Do you like perfume?
Well. I'll see that you get some.
I almost sounded like some of
the drummers that hang out here.

Only you don't mean it
the way they do.

Say. Barney.
What you say we go fishing?

I know where trouts
is biting good up near Camp Two.

Say. That's a great idea.
Ja. And when we come back.
We have Swedish dinner.

But Mr. Glasgow won't stay.
Who said I wouldn't?
I'm going to stay.

Lotta and I are
going to fix Swedish food.

- Artsoppa. Smorgasbord...
- Kaldolmar...

- Plumencreme!
- And potato pancake.

Don't tell them that you saw me.
She said they'll know the rest

Tell them I was looking well
And whisper if you get a chance
