...in Chicago...
- We'll check all right.
That's what I'm here for.
- Mind showing me your pockets?
- I should say not.
I don't mind, I mean.
He knows what I got.
Keys, handkerchiefs...
...my license, money,
what there is of it.
Pipe, tobacco, matches.
- And peanuts.
- Bugs.
- Quiet, Rainbow.
- Check those bills...
...against the numbers
of these ransom banknotes.
You've come to the right man, chief.
- Sure he's only gonna check those?
- You're probably right as rain, Wilson.
Take a look under the five-dollar series.
Q 49677308 Z.
And on his bill the same thing.
Q 49677308 Z.
That can't be. That's impossible.
Rip up that car of his.
Might be more of them.
- Man, is this gonna be a sensation.
- Keep it to yourself.
And keep that dog quiet.
- Good morning.
- Hello.
Anybody here?
Any good-looking man from Illinois
looking for a good-looking girl here?
- Where's the good-looking girl?
- She'll be along in a minute.
Well, the good-looking
young fella ain't here yet either.
He will be.
Well, will you let me
phone Chicago then?
Or better, I can phone my...
- Phone your what?
- Phone my brothers.
If you're mixed up with this gang,
it wouldn't be smart of me to let you.
Look, sheriff. I got the bill some place
in change. I don't know where I got it.
Maybe I got it at a store
or a gas station or some place.
Take me back over the road.
I can prove...
Not a thing in the car. Not a thing.