And keep that dog quiet.
- Good morning.
- Hello.
Anybody here?
Any good-looking man from Illinois
looking for a good-looking girl here?
- Where's the good-looking girl?
- She'll be along in a minute.
Well, the good-looking
young fella ain't here yet either.
He will be.
Well, will you let me
phone Chicago then?
Or better, I can phone my...
- Phone your what?
- Phone my brothers.
If you're mixed up with this gang,
it wouldn't be smart of me to let you.
Look, sheriff. I got the bill some place
in change. I don't know where I got it.
Maybe I got it at a store
or a gas station or some place.
Take me back over the road.
I can prove...
Not a thing in the car. Not a thing.
Take care of this stranger, Frank.
Go through his clothes.
Sure you haven't forgot anything,
There's my watch.
The ring. It's too tight. I can't get it off.
Cut it off. Why not?
I've gotta hold you, Wilson,
for the district attorney.
But you'll get a square deal.
- Come on.
- You can type that now, Myrtle.
Quiet, Rainbow.
- She'll be all right, sheriff.
- Okay.
- Looks like we got ahold of something.
- Yeah.
- Be at the barbershop if you want me.
- Okay.
Let me tell you, professor, if you
young geniuses at the high school...
...fill our children's heads
with radical ideas...
...we parents will have to get a law.
- Not possible to get a law...
...that denies the right to say what
one believes, in peace times anyway.
- Who says so?
- The Constitution of the United States.
I don't believe it.
You should read it sometime.
You would be surprised.