and with that
half ruble you give me
Ill light a candle to the Holy Virgin.
It will atone for my sins...
and yours as well.
Don't you worry about your sins?
You're a wicked man.
No one likes you or respects you.
You're a nuisance.
Let me work.
You're not like the actor.
At least he's a good man.
He doesn't make noise.
He's an educated man.
Kostylyov, I don't have any money.
Will you give me credit?
As a reward for my goodness.
Goodness is not rewarded
with gold, my friend.
Goodness is
the most precious of treasures.
That has nothing to do
with what you owe me.
You owe me your goodness
free of charge, poor fool.
Wretched old crook!
What a lout.
If you don't pay me tomorrow,
you're out on the street!
There are lots of others
to take your place.
Give me the broom.
You can get back to your dreams,
and I don't mind sweeping.
My organism...
is poisoned by alcohol.
I understand you, my children.
You are poor lost lambs.
Black sheep! Good-for-nothings!
Day after day
Night after night
Always the same hopelessness
Always waiting