What happened after that?
l don't know. l had to write the story.
He was so drunk he never even missed me.
When are you gonna see him again?
Tonight, maybe.
I'll phone him at noon--
my lunch hour.
I'm a stenographer, you know.
Mary Dawson.
You're a genius, Babe, a genius.
I even moved into
MabeI Dawson's apartment...
in case old snoopy Cobb
might start looking around.
Good. Stay there.
Don't show your face down here.
I'll say you're on vacation. No one will
know where the stories are coming from.
Stick close to him. You can get
an exclusive out of him every day.
We'll have the other papers crazy.
- Babe, l could kiss ya!
- Oh, no. No.
- Our deal was for a month's vacation.
- Sure.
- With pay.
- You'll get it, Babe.
Mr. Deeds, sir.
You really must get up.
It's late.
- You're Walter, aren't you?
- Yes, sir.
Just wanted to make sure.
If you'll permit me to say so, sir, you
were out on quite a bender last night.
You're wrong, Walter.
We started out to a binge,
but we never got to it.
Yes, sir.
- What's that?
- A prairie oyster, sir.
Prairie oyster?
Yes, sir.
It makes the head feel smaller.
- Has Miss Dawson called yet?
- No Miss Dawson has called, sir.
She was the lady in distress.
She wouldn't let me help her.
Had a lot of pride. I like that.
Oh, l do too, sir.
I'd better call her up and apologize.
l don't remember taking her home.
I'd venture to say you don't remember
much of what happened last night, sir.
What do you mean?
l remember everything.