Captains Courageous

- Thanks.
- You're welcome.

- You go out fishing?
- Sure, sometimes me and Uncle Salters.

Who goes with Manuel?
Nobody. You don't see him
baiting a trawl, do you?

- You mean, he doesn't fish?
- Sure he does. He fishes hand line.

He ain't used a trawl
or had a dorymate since his pop died.

- Did you start fishing with your father?
- Sure, that's natural, ain't it?

Get your dories ready!
Come on, boys, step lively.
Get your dory to the rail.
Lower your dory to the rail.

Keep well to the westward, Tom.
We'll head straight down the road
as soon as we got all the dories spilled.

Come on, get her in the water.
Don't crack that one on me. Ease a little.
- Thank you, Uncle Salters.
- Manuel, he all set.

Here's a hook.
Isn't it too rough to go out
in that little boat?
