Come on, boys, step lively.
Get your dory to the rail.
Lower your dory to the rail.
Keep well to the westward, Tom.
We'll head straight down the road
as soon as we got all the dories spilled.
Come on, get her in the water.
Don't crack that one on me. Ease a little.
- Thank you, Uncle Salters.
- Manuel, he all set.
Here's a hook.
Isn't it too rough to go out
in that little boat?
- What do you mean?
- I mean, to go out alone.
I not go alone. Five minutes,
I have 100 fish keep me company.
I mean, wouldn't it be better
if you had someone to row, maybe?
Who I get to row? Doc? Disko?
You very foolish this morning.
Well, I rowed a boat at school.
I could row...
Oh, I see. You row this boat, huh?
What you know about boats
when you cannot even chop bait?
I know lots about boats, see?
I know that's the jib,
and that's the jumbo...
and that's the fore rig,
and that's the fore topmast...
and that's the foremast,
and that's the triadic stay.
That's the main topmast,
and that's the main mast...
and that's the main rigging,
and that's the gurry kit.
That's the Duncan Street,
and anything else you want to know?
Where you learn all this?
I read a book on it in Capt. Disko's cabin,
and I don't care who knows it.
And you can go row your old boat
all by yourself.
I wouldn't go out in it for anything.
By golly, that's smart kid.
About time to break his neck, ain't it?
I got no time break necks.
I got fishing to do.
Lower away.