That's a good one.
l'm glad l ain't like you saps.
Starving and freezing for what?
l got mine. l took it.
The fat of the land
l'm living off of. Look.
Silk. Twenty bucks.
A hundred and fifty bucks.
- And dames...
- Ever get scared?
Me? What of?
You can't live forever.
l don't know.
Sometimes l get the jitters,
and sometimes l get
a terrific yen to stay put.
But the eight guys won't let you.
Quit talkin' about the eight guys
or there's gonna be nine of 'em.
You and l ain't gonna be friends
anymore like we used to, hear me?
l wanna see Francey.
l wonder what she's doing.
l bet she got married, huh?
Nah. Maybe she died.
Nah, not Francey.
She had too much sense.
Hey, fellas, look what's here!
Hey, where'd ya get the suit?
All fixed up fancy like a mutt.
Maybe they're brothers.
Hey, what are you,
a boy or a girl?
- He's a girl, can't you see?
- l'm a man!
You're a what?
Wise guy, huh?
Sure! l can name all the presidents
of the United States, can you?
So what? l bet the cream puff
can't even swim.
That's how much you know.
We have a pool in there and an instructor,
and l go in swimming every day.
A pool in the house?
Let's see you swim.
ln there? lt's dirty.
- Dirty?
- Dirty? Dirty. He says dirty.
He says it's dirty. l'll sock 'em.
What's that junk you got in your mouth
like a horse?
This? lt's a brace
to make my teeth straight.
What? l could do that
with one wallop.
You just try.
My uncle is Judge Griswald.
Did'ya ever hear of Judge Perkins?
He's a friend of mine, see?
He sent me to reform school once.
Why don't ya come down here?
You're afraid to?
l'm not afraid.
l'm not afraid of anything.
All right, then, come on down
if you're not afraid of anything.
All right, l will.