Dead End

You can't, you can't.
You mean you don't want to.

That's what you mean, isn't it?
lsn't it?

Yes. That's what l do mean.
Yeah, lady.
l guess he ain't comin' up.

Hey, Blondie, wouldn't l do instead?
Go stick your head in a spittoon.
So like l was tellin' you.
So he comes in sopping,
so he coulda been sponged.

And he starts beating me old lady.
- What's so funny about that?
- So nothing's funny...

...'cause then he picks up a chair
to wallop me with.

What'd you do then?
So l grabs a kitchen knife.
That big.

And l says, ''Touch me, you rat,
and l give you this.''

Yeah, so what's he do?
So he falls on the floor
and goes to sleep and snores.

Like that.
Right on the floor
he goes to sleep.

You find Francey?
Well, where is she?
She ain't comin' over right away because
you said not to give her your name,

so she's comin' over
when she gets out of bed.

'Course, she don't know it's you.
She seemed kinda busy,
your Francey.

- What're you talkin' about, clown?
- Nothin'.

Hey, who's the leader of this gang?
- Me. Who wants to know?
- We're from up the block.

- Yeah? Well, fly back there.
- You tell him.

- You wanna fight our gang?
- Okay.

- Okay, fellas?
- Sure.

- Certainly.
- Saturday, four o'clock?

- Okay. Saturday, four o'clock.
- Okay.

No bottles or rocks,
just bare knucks and sticks.

- Flat sticks. No bats, okay?
- Okay.

Hey, come on back here a second.
- Look, fellas.
- Take it easy, Moe.

The mark of the squealer.
Good one, too.

Go on, beat it.
