She ain't comin' over right away because
you said not to give her your name,
so she's comin' over
when she gets out of bed.
'Course, she don't know it's you.
She seemed kinda busy,
your Francey.
- What're you talkin' about, clown?
- Nothin'.
Hey, who's the leader of this gang?
- Me. Who wants to know?
- We're from up the block.
- Yeah? Well, fly back there.
- You tell him.
- You wanna fight our gang?
- Okay.
- Okay, fellas?
- Sure.
- Certainly.
- Saturday, four o'clock?
- Okay. Saturday, four o'clock.
- Okay.
No bottles or rocks,
just bare knucks and sticks.
- Flat sticks. No bats, okay?
- Okay.
Hey, come on back here a second.
- Look, fellas.
- Take it easy, Moe.
The mark of the squealer.
Good one, too.
Go on, beat it.
Beat it, wise guy.
Shine, mister?
- What's the mark?
- Don't you know nothing?
The mark of the squealer.
lt's what you get when you squeal.
Just keep it in mind.
Yeah. Just keep it in mind.
- So your fight's at four o'clock.
- Yeah.
Yes, sir.
We'll be there right on the minute.
That's the wrong way.
Get there early, earlier than you said.
Then they won't be ready for ya.
- Yeah?
- Yeah.
And get yourself some
old electric bulbs and throw 'em.
Then you throw
a couple of milk bottles, see?
When some of the other kids
get hurt, then you charge 'em,
but not before, see?
Can't. We made up no milk bottles,
only bare knucks and sticks.
You made up. Listen, kid,
when you fight, the idea is to win.
lt don't matter how.
And in gang fightin',
you take out the tough guys first.
A stocking full of sand
and rocks is good for that.
And if that don't work, a knife will.
No knives.
Gee, that ain't fair 'cause we--
Ain't fair, huh? Fancy talk.
Suppose some other kid
pulls a knife on you?
Then l pulls one on him.
Lend me.
Like this.