The Awful Truth

-l wonder if you'd do me a favor?
-Well, of course, that all depends.

lmagine you living right across the hall
from us all of this time.

l think it's just wonderful
that we've met this way.

Lucy, may l present Mr. Leeson?
This is my niece you wanted to meet.
Her name is Lucy Warriner.

How do you do?
-Won't you sit down?

Mr. Leeson's just from Oklahoma, Lucy.
He's a stranger in town.

He'd take it as real neighborly of us
if we show him some of the bright spots.

He would?
lt's raining awfully hard. l don't think--
That's just exactly what l said,
''l don't think the rain will stop us.''

Besides, l think it'll let up in a few minutes,
Miss Warriner.

Mr. Leeson's a neighbor.
He lives across the hall with his mother.

-That's what you said, right?
-Yes, with my mother.

We're here on a visit. l'm in oil, you know.
Marinated, so to speak.
Say, that's a good one!
l got to remember to tell that to my mother.

Mr. Leeson, won't you tell us
something about Oklahoma?

Oklahoma's pretty swell.
