Chickens! Good buy! Eat!
Good your bIood and pure your Iiver!
Peaches, 6 for 2 coppers!
Now then what?
I'm Wong Loong, the farmer
WeII, and Wong Loong the farmer what?
I'm coming...I'm coming...
Are you seeing that? I see you a fooI!
There's a woman to be...
Ha ha ha! So you're he!
You're the bridegroom!
I thought you're the peddIer!
Why do you bring a basket?
Are you gonna carry that the whoIe day?
The bridegroom! He comes!
The bridegroom! He comes!
The bridegroom!
He's here! The bridegroom!
He's here! The bridegroom!
You fooI, get up!
Your farmer's come,
he smeIIs Iike a stabIe!