The Good Earth

You're the bridegroom!
I thought you're the peddIer!

Why do you bring a basket?
Are you gonna carry that the whoIe day?
The bridegroom! He comes!
The bridegroom! He comes!
The bridegroom!
He's here! The bridegroom!
He's here! The bridegroom!
You fooI, get up!
Your farmer's come,
he smeIIs Iike a stabIe!

Nobody giggIes!
Is aII wreck crack yours?
Open it! Open it!
To see what's in it
There's a thief in every kitchen
When did you steaI these?
My mother gave'em to me
Save it for your own brats!
Pick up your eggs! Hurry!
This dress, the kitchen sIave
This woman came into my house
when she was a chiId

Her parents were farmers
but during the famine

they soId her to me for food.
