Pardon me.
Did you ever have
a father called Sy Roberts?
Why, yes. He left me with these
people when he went prospecting.
Who's that woman upstairs?
Lola Marcel. Mr Finn's wife.
She's my legal guardian now.
Can I speak to you?
- Pardon us.
- We'll be right back.
- You know what?
- What?
I think we've given that deed
to the wrong woman.
Our first mistake since that guy
sold us the Brooklyn Bridge.
That was no mistake. It'll be
worth a lot of money some day.
Maybe you're right.
Let's get the deed.
Say, maybe they won't
give it back to us?
What do you mean?
We'll get that deed
or I'll eat your hat.
That's what
I call determination.
Come on.
Splendid! Splendid!
She fell for it
like you fell for me.
Lola, my girl,
we're sittin' pretty.
- Who's there?
- Me.
- Me who?
- Me who
What do you want?
Out of my way,
you snake in the grass!
You toad in the hole.
Say, what do ya mean
bustin' in here like this?
We want to know
why you're not Mary Roberts.
I'll take care of this.
So, you got wise?
If it's this deed you're after,
you're out of luck.
Take it, Stan. Beat it!
That's it. There you are!