So what? I was going to take the
left fork anyway
No, you'd better not go in.
Someone might recognize you
I'll find out all I can about
the coat
I might as well see if it's
true now
You'd better hide behind it
A cup of tea and a piece of cake,
Take a seat
You'll have to stick a card out
I think it's very nice to have a
lady's company for a change
Don't you have lots of it? I
thought lorries were very popular
Is yours that lorry out there?
I've always wanted to drive one
of those
I've always wanted to be a tight
rope walker myself
No, you're the wrong built. You'd
better stick to lorry driving
You don't happen to know, do you,
lf a raincoat was found here...
...last week?
If it was it will never reach the
lost property office