I'll find out all I can about
the coat
I might as well see if it's
true now
You'd better hide behind it
A cup of tea and a piece of cake,
Take a seat
You'll have to stick a card out
I think it's very nice to have a
lady's company for a change
Don't you have lots of it? I
thought lorries were very popular
Is yours that lorry out there?
I've always wanted to drive one
of those
I've always wanted to be a tight
rope walker myself
No, you're the wrong built. You'd
better stick to lorry driving
You don't happen to know, do you,
lf a raincoat was found here...
...last week?
If it was it will never reach the
lost property office
Let me see now... a coat
Well, as a matter of fact there
was one old fellow
More or less of a tramp, really.
He mends broken chi...
No, I'm wrong Miss, you'll never
find that coat
No, you're right, Bill, it was
old Will, the china mender
Don't remember? He had a
raincoat that was nearly new
He said a bloke had given it
to him. We teased him about it
Trying to kid us that people give
brand new clothes away!
Leave old Will alone
If he did, no need for you to go
opening your trap and shouting...
...his name all over the place
So will I do if I like!
What, you're a couple of rotten..