Young and Innocent

Oh, and left you out here?
I'd never heard such a thing!

She said she won't be long
Oh, she will, it's Felicity's
birthday party

My little daughter, she's seven

Oh, yes, of course, Felicity's
birthday, I was forgetting

She always brings her a present,
hasn't missed a year

-No, not a year

-All right
-Well, come along in

No, I'd better not
I can't leave you out here like a

-Come along, it'll be great fun
-Sure it will

Erica, my dear!
It isn't a nice thing

You bring a young man and leave
him outside!

I only meant to stay a few
minutes, uncle

Oh, nonsense, you will stay here
and see the party in full swing

We must get away, every minute
is important!

It's this frightful party, I'm
having an awful job!

Yes, I know. You've been so
good, I'm so grateful...

Come in now!
-I'm sorry, I didn't know
-Hello, my dear

You know what Erica did?
She left her friend outside...

...while she was playing with the

I'm very sorry, I only meant to
stay a few minutes

I came because I wanted to...
You came to give Felicity a
birthday present, didn't you?

Oh, how sweet of you, Erica!
One of those lovely stone dwarfs
for the garden. Isn't it nice?

Exactly like the ones we've got
It will fit in so nicely

Shall we join the others?
-Hello, daddy!
-Hello, darling!

Oh, Erica, let's play find the

Hello, Felicity, are you having
a nice time?

Yes, thank you, Erica! But I want
to play find the thimble!

Well, I expect you can if you ask

-I mean I want you to play
-I can't just now, dear

-I will presently
-Why can't you play now?

Come on, we'll play it on
our own!

Major Cunningham, Mrs.

Sit by me
.Get the crackers, please!
-Oh, yes, yes, of course

Mr... Mr...
