Quit beefing. Get wise to your pal.
The heat's on, Jerry.
Ain't his name Bone?
You mean to say
you don't remember Jerry the Nipper?
Make a note of that, doc.
She's making all this up
out of motion pictures.
I thought I saw you with
that red-headed skirt in a motion picture.
There, doc, another woman.
Sure. I wouldn't be squealing
if he hadn't been with another twist.
So he's a lady-killer?
A lady-killer?
Why, he's a regular Don Swan.
Loves the ladies, don't you, honey?
He bops them over. 1, 2, 3, boom!
Just like that.
- He's a wolf.
- Now I'm a wolf!
I'll send you a box of birdseed.
Susie, I want you to tell the truth.
You'll never get into trouble.
You're limping.
I suppose you got shot in a stickup?
- No, I lost my heel.
- Don't bother about him.
Sit down there. Doc, grab this chair.
Elmer, grab a hold of that typewriter.
I wanna get this whole thing down
in affidavit form.
- Young lady, I want you to talk...
- Cigarette me, then I'll talk.
- I don't smoke cigarettes.
- This will have to do.
- That?
- It's a twofer.
- What's that?
- Two for a nickel. Give me a match.
I'm not going to stand for that in this jail.
No smoking, no talking.
Put me back in the cell.
Ain't gonna talk unless I have a cigarette.
Hold it. Sit down.
Doc, give her one of them cigarettes.
If you'll just tell the truth,
we'll make it as easy as we can...
My case, if you please.
There I go again. Sorry. Force of habit.
Forgot where I was for a minute.
How about a little fresh air?
It's kind of hot in here.
It is a little bit muggy.
It's always that way around here,
this time of year.
It's the humidity.
What about the Cleghorn jewels?
That's hot ice.
We're waiting for it to cool off.
We're waiting... What do you mean, "we"?
The gang. All of us.
You all belong to the same gang?
Sure. The Leopard Gang.
That's what I'm after. We'll round them
all up with one fell swoop.