- I don't smoke cigarettes.
- This will have to do.
- That?
- It's a twofer.
- What's that?
- Two for a nickel. Give me a match.
I'm not going to stand for that in this jail.
No smoking, no talking.
Put me back in the cell.
Ain't gonna talk unless I have a cigarette.
Hold it. Sit down.
Doc, give her one of them cigarettes.
If you'll just tell the truth,
we'll make it as easy as we can...
My case, if you please.
There I go again. Sorry. Force of habit.
Forgot where I was for a minute.
How about a little fresh air?
It's kind of hot in here.
It is a little bit muggy.
It's always that way around here,
this time of year.
It's the humidity.
What about the Cleghorn jewels?
That's hot ice.
We're waiting for it to cool off.
We're waiting... What do you mean, "we"?
The gang. All of us.
You all belong to the same gang?
Sure. The Leopard Gang.
That's what I'm after. We'll round them
all up with one fell swoop.
Got that, doc? Fine.
How about you, Elmer?
Not so fast. This is new to me.
Hold on.
You can't spell "leopard" with a "U."
- How do you spell it?
- Double "U."
- What about that bank robbery?
- Boy, wasn't that a honey?
A neater job has never been pulled
in this neck of the woods.
Jerry was the inside man on that job.
He was, was he? Were you there, too?
Sure, what do you think?
I'm a one-man woman.
Where my man goes, I go.
"Babyface" Horace, he's the pick-up man...
Wait! You're talking too fast!
What's that?
Confound it, doc! You only got as far
as the Cleghorn jewels.
We gotta start all over again.
Now, young lady...
- There she goes.
- She's got my car again!
Go on, boys, after her.
Hurry up and get her.
There she goes.
Go get her, boys! If you don't,
there'll be a shakeup in this department.
- Are you the constable?
- Yes.
I'm looking for...
Don't tell me you're looking for a leopard.
I'll lock you up.
I'm looking for Mrs. Carleton Random.
So is everybody else.
Let me tell you, she's not here.