-Perhaps we'd better use the elevator.
-To the rear and to the right.
I think we'd better go home.
Courage, dear, courage. Remember,
we promised Johnny that we'd come.
This reminds me a little
of the palace of the Emperor Caligula.
-You remember Caligula, don't you?
-Very well, indeed.
Whatever became of him?
-To the rear....
-And to the right.
Now where?
Seems to have been
some sort of a residence at one time.
It's the Gashouse Gang, darling.
The party's downstairs.
Thank you.
Sorry to intrude.
Wait a minute.
-You're Susan Elliott?
My married name is Potter.
No, but you lectured once at our school.
I'm Linda Seton.
-You're not.
-Johnny said her name was Julia.
-Julia's my sister.
-You know Johnny?
-For years.
I'm so glad to see you. Come in.