Just a minute, Mr. Wagner.
There's something wrong with this lock.
Miller, how did that meal get here?
- Dr. Glass ordered it for the patient.
- Dr. Glass did nothing of the kind.
- I refuse to argue with a house dick.
- I'm not a dick. I'm a doctor.
Dr. Glass.
I want to know how this meal
got up here.
Can't I get to the bottom of anything?
They check in. They check out.
They skip. They don't skip.
They get sick. And now this meal.
I'll fire that waiter.
I'll fire the whole darn kitchen!
Quiet, please.
There's a patient in the room.
- He has a tapeworm.
- Last night it was measles.
I'm not responsible for complications.
He has laryngitis.
We had to get a nurse.
- That groan doesn't sound authentic.
- Wait a minute. That's not Davis.
- Yesterday he didn't look like that.
- Certainly not. He's aged 10 years...
...on account of this hotel's service.
- His hair wasn't red yesterday.
It's a very rare case.
He's got a red tapeworm.
Well, there's certainly something screwy
going on around here.
Will you consent to have Davis removed
to a hospital at the expense of the hotel?
It's up to Dr. Binelli.
What do you think, doctor?
The patient is too sick to be moved.
- How do you feel, young man?
- He's hungry all the time.
- Let him speak for himself.
- How can he when he's got laryngitis?
I insist the patient speak for himself!