I'm not responsible for complications.
He has laryngitis.
We had to get a nurse.
- That groan doesn't sound authentic.
- Wait a minute. That's not Davis.
- Yesterday he didn't look like that.
- Certainly not. He's aged 10 years...
...on account of this hotel's service.
- His hair wasn't red yesterday.
It's a very rare case.
He's got a red tapeworm.
Well, there's certainly something screwy
going on around here.
Will you consent to have Davis removed
to a hospital at the expense of the hotel?
It's up to Dr. Binelli.
What do you think, doctor?
The patient is too sick to be moved.
- How do you feel, young man?
- He's hungry all the time.
- Let him speak for himself.
- How can he when he's got laryngitis?
I insist the patient speak for himself!
There you are. You heard what he said.
Hurry, doctor.
It's time for the patient's nap.
He won't sleep till I find out
what's going on here.
Miller, you've committed fraud.
All that keeps me from putting him out...
...is the remote possibility
that this man has some disease.
- His pulse is normal.
- That's what you think, you quack.
Quack? I refuse to be insulted.
I question your ethics.
I'll have you investigated.
You'll never see the tapeworm that way.
- I thought you knew better.
- Mr. Wagner...
- Allowing yourself to be hoodwinked...
- This is all so unnecessary.