News has come from Vienna!
"Leopold of Austria has seized KingRichard on his return from the Crusades.
Our king is being held prisoner.Nothing further is known.
His Highness Prince John will make...
...further publicpronouncement tomorrow."
And how are the dear Saxonstaking the news, Sir Guy?
They're even more worried thanLongchamps, Your Highness.
They'll be more than worried...
...when I squeeze the fatout of their pampered hides.
- You intend to act on your plans?- What better moment than this, Sir Guy?
Whoever would have thoughtmy dear brother...
...would be soconsiderate as to get captured...
...and leave all Englandto my tender care?
He may disapprove when he returns,Your Highness.
If he returns.And I'll see to it that he doesn't.
We must drink to this moment, Sir Guy.Golden days are ahead.
I'll assign tax districts to you tomorrow.
Tomorrow, Your Highness.
- But who's gonna pay me?- Pay! Pay!
That's all you Saxons think about.
Didn't I tell you it was for Prince John,who's just come up from London?
Stop! Stop!
This man is freeborn!He's a landowner.
You can't make a slave of him!
Didn't he refuse to send his mento work in Guy of Gisbourne's field?