Beau Geste

The other two.

They are brothers,
and they're waiting
for a chance to sell it.

But he is the leader.
He carries it.
I've watched him.
What about the two Americans?
They are just friends.
Make sure you're
telling me the truth.

I am.
I am!
You know,
I think I can help you
get that jewel.

Why, that's
what I hoped.

I'm sure you did.
In a week we go to relieve the
garrison at Fort Zinderneuf.

It can be arranged there.
But there are three of them,
and... and the two friends.

Some of the company
go to Fort Tokotu

for mounted
infantry training.

It can be arranged.
And if there's no jewel,
you'll get
a wooden jewel box.

I promise you.
But... but he has it.
I'm sure of it.
Go back to the barracks.
Today marks the end
of your training.

You are now soldiers,
in the service of France.
We are here on the desert
as guardians
of 20 millions of natives.

They look to us
for the protection and justice
that is the tradition
of the Foreign Legion.

Yours is a high duty,
and a hard one.
The odds are great.
It is our allegiance to France
and our debt to civilization
to uphold that tradition.
Some of you are assigned
with me to Fort Zinderneuf.

Another detachment
will go to Fort Tokotu

for further training
in the mounted company.

Select your men
for Tokotu, Sergeant.
