Make your bet!
Ya mean ya ain't droppin'?
I'm still in!
And I still don't think
ya got three eights,
so pop goes the weasel!
Think that's enough?
Don't you?
You're bettin'!
Well, dern my hide!
I got a 3,000-acre ranch!!!
And 1,500 head of cattle
worth at least $ 10,000...
that says you don't want
any part of it.
Golly, that's hot!
Can't ya be more
careful, Frenchy?
My heel caught on something!
Let me wipe you off!
Oh, that's
all right, Frenchy!
Accidents'll happen!
I'm sorry!
That's all right!
Forget it! Forget it!
Let's play poker!
Callin' my bet or ain't ya?
I'll call!
Three shining aces!
I had an ace in the hole!
How'd that deuce get there?
Maybe you only seen
one end of it!
I saw what I saw!
Well, I guess that makes
my two pair good!
You take your hands
off that pot!
Behave yourself!
You keep outta this.
You were bluffing,
and you were called!
You're all a bunch
of crooks, but ya
ain't cheatin' me!
Take it easy, partner!
I'll show ya
how I'll take it!
Quiet! Quiet!
Nice work, honey!
Practice makes perfect!
Well, that does it!
This gives us a solid strip
of land right across the valley!