I'll call!
Three shining aces!
I had an ace in the hole!
How'd that deuce get there?
Maybe you only seen
one end of it!
I saw what I saw!
Well, I guess that makes
my two pair good!
You take your hands
off that pot!
Behave yourself!
You keep outta this.
You were bluffing,
and you were called!
You're all a bunch
of crooks, but ya
ain't cheatin' me!
Take it easy, partner!
I'll show ya
how I'll take it!
Quiet! Quiet!
Nice work, honey!
Practice makes perfect!
Well, that does it!
This gives us a solid strip
of land right across the valley!
And what do we do now?
Nothin' 'til them cattle men
try to drive their herds
through without payin'!
How many steers
will come through?
Last year, there were 350,000!
Now, if we charge 'em
25 cents a head...
That makes...
Now that's money!
We're rich!
I'll get my gal's teeth
plugged with diamonds!!!
And just sit
and watch her smile!
I'll take care of that!
I'd rather have cash
in the bank!
And stay outta here!
[Cocking Hammer]