And what do we do now?
Nothin' 'til them cattle men
try to drive their herds
through without payin'!
How many steers
will come through?
Last year, there were 350,000!
Now, if we charge 'em
25 cents a head...
That makes...
Now that's money!
We're rich!
I'll get my gal's teeth
plugged with diamonds!!!
And just sit
and watch her smile!
I'll take care of that!
I'd rather have cash
in the bank!
And stay outta here!
[Cocking Hammer]
Just a minute, Claggett.
Where you going
with that rifle?
You let me alone, Keogh!
I'm gonna kill that
dirty cheat if it's
the last thing I do!
Now take it easy!
You ain't gonna kill nobody!
What's this all about?
That low-down skunk
sucked me into bettin'
my ranch and cattle,
and then switched cards
on me!
So Kent got you too, did he?
He thinks he did!
Gimme that gun!
Now, you go on home!
I'll see that they
don't get your ranch!
There's only one way
to stop Kent!
I'll take care of that too!
I been waitin' a long time
to catch up with that tin horn!
Now go on home! Go on!
Go on before you get
yourself killed!
Sheriff, Sheriff, Sheriff!
What's up? What's up?
Not a thing, Wash!
Oh, ya can't fool me!
I can see by the look
in yer eye and the way
you're a-walkin'!
You know, when Tom Destry
walked like that, he was
stalking his prey!
Now, if there's anything
I can do to help ya,
I'll do it!
No, thanks, Wash!
I got no need for you
and your banjo right now!
When I was Destry's deputy,
I was good with guns! I was
equal to any emergency!