-HeIIo. BaIzac, 2769.
-Au revoir, monsieur.
Au revoir.
This is the Grand Duchess Swana.
I want to speak to Monsieur CorniIIon.
It's very important. Get him right away.
HeIIo, Monsieur CorniIIon?
The most incredibIe thing has happened.
My jeweIs are here in Paris.
Three BoIshevik swine
are trying to seII them.
Now, we must act immediateIy.
CaII the poIice, have them arrested.
WeII, then get an injunction.
But do something, Monsieur CorniIIon!
But they are my jeweIs.
There must be some way
of getting them back.
What does he say?
But how can there be a question?
Are you my Iawyer or theirs?
It's aII right.
Yes, aII right, I wiII caII you Iater.
-What did he say?
-They're pretty hopeIess.
There may be a chance, that's aII.
The French government has recognized
Soviet Russia...
and he doubts that they wiII risk a war
for my poor sake.
He might be abIe to make up some kind
of a case, but it wouId cost money.
Money, that's aII they are interested in,
those Iawyers.
DarIing, caIm down.
Why do you need a Iawyer?
Haven't you your IittIe VoIga boatman?
Very good, exceIIent, superb.
It'd be fooIish to beIittIe the quaIity
of the merchandise...
but your terms are impossibIe.
My counteroffer is the absoIute maximum.
But Monsieur Mercier--
GentIemen, I'm going to Iet you in
on a IittIe secret.
We are undertaking this deaI
onIy because of the prestige invoIved.
And, frankIy,
we're expected to take a Ioss.
CapitaIistic methods.
They accumuIate miIIions
by taking Ioss after Ioss.
This is BuIjanoff, Iranoff, and KopaIski.
Who? Count d'AIgout?
No, that must be a mistake.
No, we can't be disturbed.
I assure you no one eIse can meet
the figure named by my syndicate.
At Ieast not under
these economic conditions.
We can wait.
Do we give the impression of peopIe
who are pressed for money?
GentIemen, Iet's put our cards
on the tabIe.
Right now, there's
a Russian commission in New York...