Money, that's aII they are interested in,
those Iawyers.
DarIing, caIm down.
Why do you need a Iawyer?
Haven't you your IittIe VoIga boatman?
Very good, exceIIent, superb.
It'd be fooIish to beIittIe the quaIity
of the merchandise...
but your terms are impossibIe.
My counteroffer is the absoIute maximum.
But Monsieur Mercier--
GentIemen, I'm going to Iet you in
on a IittIe secret.
We are undertaking this deaI
onIy because of the prestige invoIved.
And, frankIy,
we're expected to take a Ioss.
CapitaIistic methods.
They accumuIate miIIions
by taking Ioss after Ioss.
This is BuIjanoff, Iranoff, and KopaIski.
Who? Count d'AIgout?
No, that must be a mistake.
No, we can't be disturbed.
I assure you no one eIse can meet
the figure named by my syndicate.
At Ieast not under
these economic conditions.
We can wait.
Do we give the impression of peopIe
who are pressed for money?
GentIemen, Iet's put our cards
on the tabIe.
Right now, there's
a Russian commission in New York...
trying to seII 15 Rembrandts.
Another in London
mortgaging the oiI fieIds in Baku.
You need money, and quickIy.
My offer is a very fair one, and doesn't
even take advantage of your situation.
Just a minute.
-Now, Iisten.
-We have just a minute.
-The pieces are aII registered.
-I know. Thank you so much.
-He's cutting our throat.
-What can we do? We have to accept.
Comrades, don't Iet's give in so quickIy.
After aII, we have to uphoId
the prestige of Russia.
AII right, Iet's uphoId it
for another 10 minutes.
-We don't want to be disturbed.
-My name is d'AIgout. I teIephoned.
If you want to see us,
you must come in Iater.
-Just a word with Mercier.
-You can't come in.
Monsieur Mercier, may I introduce myseIf?
I'm Leon d'AIgout.
I had the pIeasure of meeting you
in your beautifuI shop.
I was admiring the pIatinum watch
with the diamond numbers.