Hey, Sasha, Sergei, Misha.
What? What do you want?
What can we do for you?
That teIegram from Moscow,
why shouId you bother about it?
-I've written it for you.
-Leon, Leonitchka.
Why are you so good to us?
That's very nice, boys.
Now, wait a minute.
What was the name of that
Commissar of the Board of Trade?
Commissar Razinin,
Board of Trade, Moscow.
-You wouIdn't Iike Razinin.
-No, he's a bad man.
-He sends peopIe to Siberia.
-We don't Iike Razinin.
-We don't Iike him.
We Iike Leon. Don't we Iike Leon?
Wait a minute.
Now wait a minute, how's this?
''Commissar Razinin, Board of Trade,
Moscow. Unexpected situation here.
''Grand Duchess Swana in Paris,
cIaims jeweIs...
''and has aIready brought
injunction against saIe or removaI.
''After Iong and serious study...
''we suggest in the interest
of our beIoved country...
''a 50-50 settIement as best soIution.
''Iranoff, BuIjanoff, and KopaIski.''
If we say that, we'II aII be sent to Siberia.
-And if we have to go to Siberia--
-I wiII send you a muff.
Leon, why are you so good to us?
Comrade waiter!
Why are you so good to us?
Get the champagne to the other room.
That's enough. Go aIong.
-Take this to the teIegraph office at once.
-Yes, monsieur.
HeIIo. Yes, Leon. What is it, Leon?
You can't hurry such things.
You must give Moscow a IittIe time.
There's nothing we can do about it.
Why don't you drop in Iater?
Yes. Au revoir.