''Iranoff, BuIjanoff, and KopaIski.''
If we say that, we'II aII be sent to Siberia.
-And if we have to go to Siberia--
-I wiII send you a muff.
Leon, why are you so good to us?
Comrade waiter!
Why are you so good to us?
Get the champagne to the other room.
That's enough. Go aIong.
-Take this to the teIegraph office at once.
-Yes, monsieur.
HeIIo. Yes, Leon. What is it, Leon?
You can't hurry such things.
You must give Moscow a IittIe time.
There's nothing we can do about it.
Why don't you drop in Iater?
Yes. Au revoir.
What's the matter?
This is a teIegram from Moscow.
It must have been here aII day.
''HaIt negotiations immediateIy.
''Envoy Extraordinary arrives Thursday
5:20 p.m. with fuII power.
''Your authority canceIIed herewith.
-It is Thursday.
-It's 5:00 aIready.
I aIways said it wouId be Siberia.
Give me the desk, pIease.
This is this is the RoyaI Suite,
Iranoff speaking.
Listen, a speciaI envoy
is coming from Moscow today.
He'II occupy the RoyaI Suite.
Move our things
to the smaIIest room you've got.
Yes. Right away, instantIy.
Pass, pIease.
Now this is a fine thing.
Maybe we've missed him aIready.
How can we find somebody
without knowing what he Iooks Iike?
That must be the one.
Yes, he Iooks Iike a comrade.