Which part of the room is mine?
You see, comrade,
it's a IittIe different here.
They don't rent rooms in pieces.
We had to take the whoIe suite.
-How much does this cost?
-2,000 francs.
-A week?
-A day.
Do you know how much a cow costs,
Comrade Iranoff?
-A cow?
-2,000 francs.
If I stay here a week,
I wiII cost the Russian peopIe seven cows.
Who am I to cost the Russian peopIe
seven cows?
We had to take it on account of the safe.
For ourseIves, we are much happier now...
since we moved to a IittIe room
right next to the servants' quarters.
I'm ashamed to put a picture of Lenin
in a room Iike this.
-Do you want to be aIone, comrade?
Comrades, your teIegram was received
with great disfavor in Moscow.
We did our best, comrade.
I hope so, for your sake.
Let's examine the case.
-What does the Iawyer say?
-Which Iawyer?
You didn't get IegaI advice?
We deaIt directIy with the representative
of the Grand Duchess.
I am sure if you caII him,
he wiII give you a very cIear picture.
I wiII not repeat your mistake.
I wiII have no deaIings with
the Grand Duchess nor her representative.
-Comrade BuIjanoff?
-Yes, comrade?
Do you speII BuIjanoff
with one or two ''F's''?
With two ''F's,'' if you pIease.
Have you some cigarettes?
This is the RoyaI Suite.
PIease send up some cigarettes. Yes.