
Comrades, your teIegram was received
with great disfavor in Moscow.

We did our best, comrade.
I hope so, for your sake.
Let's examine the case.

-What does the Iawyer say?
-Which Iawyer?

You didn't get IegaI advice?
We deaIt directIy with the representative
of the Grand Duchess.

I am sure if you caII him,
he wiII give you a very cIear picture.

I wiII not repeat your mistake.
I wiII have no deaIings with
the Grand Duchess nor her representative.

-Comrade BuIjanoff?
-Yes, comrade?

Do you speII BuIjanoff
with one or two ''F's''?

With two ''F's,'' if you pIease.
Have you some cigarettes?
This is the RoyaI Suite.
PIease send up some cigarettes. Yes.

You just teIephone
and you get what you want.

That's the capitaIistic system.
Comrades, I am not in a position
to pass finaI judgment.

But at best, you've been careIess
in your duty to the State.

You were entrusted with more
than a mere saIe of jeweIry.

Why are we peddIing our precious
possessions to the worId at this time?

Our next year's crop is in danger
and you know it.

UnIess we can get foreign currency
to buy tractors...

there wiII not be enough bread
for our peopIe.

-And you, comrades--
-We did it with the best intentions.

We can't feed the Russian peopIe
on your intentions.

Fifty percent to a so-caIIed Grand Duchess.
HaIf of every Ioaf of bread to our enemy.
-Comrade KopaIski.
-Yes, comrade.

Go at once to our embassy and get me
the address of the best Iawyer in Paris.

Yes, comrade.
Comrade Iranoff, go to the pubIic Iibrary...
and get me the section
of the Civil Code on property.

-Is there anything I can do, comrade?

You might get me
an accurate map of Paris.

I want to use my spare time
to inspect pubIic utiIities...
