The whites of your eyes are cIear.
Your cornea is exceIIent.
Your cornea is terrific.
Ninotchka, teII me.
You're so expert on things.
Can it be that I'm faIIing in Iove with you?
Why must you bring in wrong vaIues?
Love is a romantic designation
for a most ordinary bioIogicaI...
or shaII we say ''chemicaI,'' process.
A Iot of nonsense is taIked
and written about it.
I see.
What do you use instead?
I acknowIedge the existence
of a naturaI impuIse common to aII.
What can I possibIy do
to encourage such an impuIse in you?
You don't have to do a thing.
ChemicaIIy, we are aIready
quite sympathetic.
You are the most incredibIe creature
I've ever met.
You repeat yourseIf.
Yes, I'd Iike to say it 1,000 times.
You must forgive me
if I seem a IittIe oId-fashioned.
After aII, I'm just a poor bourgeois.
It's never too Iate to change.
I used to beIong
to the petite bourgeoisie myseIf.
My father and mother wanted
me to stay and work on the farm.
But I preferred the bayonet.
The bayonet? Did you reaIIy?
-I was wounded before Warsaw.
-Wounded, how?
I was a sergeant
in the Third CavaIry Brigade.
WouId you Iike to see my wound?
I'd Iove to.
A PoIish Iancer. I was 16.
Poor Ninotchka.
Don't pity me. Pity the PoIish Iancer.
After aII, I'm stiII aIive.
What kind of a girI are you, anyway?
Just what you see.
A tiny cog in the great wheeI of evoIution.
You're the most adorabIe cog
I've ever seen.
Ninotchka, Iet me confess something.
Never did I dream I couId feeI Iike this
toward a sergeant.