I must go.
I heId you in my arms.
You kissed me.
I kissed a PoIish Iancer, too...
before he died.
Yes, Marianne darIing.
No, you didn't waken me.
I'm not onIy up, I'm on my way out.
Yes, I want to catch Leon
before he rushes out...
and Ioses himseIf in my business affairs.
Everything was going perfectIy
untiI three days ago...
when some horrid femaIe envoy
arrived from Moscow.
Now, we don't know where we are.
I'II teIephone you tonight, darIing.
Goodbye, dear.
I seem to remember
some additionaI injunctive provision...
deaIing with the property of foreigners
residing in France.
You are referring to Paragraph 59B,
Section 25F of the Civil Code.
Page 824.
And do not faiI to read the three footnotes.
WhiIe you are studying it, I wiII eat.
-Where to, madame?
-Can you recommend a restaurant?
There's Grenier if you care for seafood.
-Where do you eat?
-At Père Mathieu.
-Where is that?
-It's just a pIace for workmen.
-Where is it?
-Down eight bIocks, rue de ProveIIes.
Thank you.
Are you aIone, madame?
A nice IittIe corner tabIe?
Or perhaps by the window
wouId be better?
This way, madame.