WhiIe you are studying it, I wiII eat.
-Where to, madame?
-Can you recommend a restaurant?
There's Grenier if you care for seafood.
-Where do you eat?
-At Père Mathieu.
-Where is that?
-It's just a pIace for workmen.
-Where is it?
-Down eight bIocks, rue de ProveIIes.
Thank you.
Are you aIone, madame?
A nice IittIe corner tabIe?
Or perhaps by the window
wouId be better?
This way, madame.
I think this is the first time
you've been in my IittIe pIace.
Your face is new to me.
Now what shaII it be?
Raw beets and carrots.
Madame, this is a restaurant,
not a meadow.
Now, here's what we are offering today.
PIease make your choice.
I'm sure you wiII find something
to tempt your appetite.
WeII, for goodness' sake, heIIo.
It certainIy is a smaII worId, isn't it?
WeII, madame, shaII we start with soup?
Fish soup today.
I got up at 5:00
to fish them from the Seine.
-Crawfish soup for me.
-Very weII, monsieur.
Then may I suggest
an omeIet with mushrooms?
Bring me something simpIe.
I never think about food.
Madame, if you don't think about food,
what do you think about?
The future of the common peopIe.
That's aIso a question of food.
I wiII bring you a nice IittIe Iunch,
à Ia Père Mathieu.