Don't take things so seriousIy.
Nothing's worth it, reaIIy.
PIease, reIax.
I beg you, Sergeant.
-WiII you smiIe?
-WeII, just smiIe.
-At what?
At anything.
At the whoIe ridicuIous spectacIe of Iife,
at peopIe being so serious...
taking themseIves pompousIy,
exaggerating their own importance.
If you can't think of anything to Iaugh at,
you can Iaugh at us.
-Because we're an odd coupIe.
Then you shouId go back to your tabIe.
No, I can't Ieave you. I won't, not yet.
Not untiI I've made you Iaugh
at Ieast once.
Now go back to your tabIe.
That's not a Iaugh.
I mean a Iaugh from the heart.
I know.
I'm going to teII you a funny story.
Wait a minute, Iet me think of one.
I've got it.
It seems that there were two Frenchmen
who went to America--
On which boat?
Let's drop it.
I don't think you'd care very much
for that one anyway.
ProbabIy not.
Here's a great one.
Maybe it's not so good. Let's forget it.
-Do you Iike Scotch stories?
-Never heard one.
WeII, here.
Two Scotchmen met on the street.
And I don't know the name of the street.
It doesn't matter anyway.
One's name was McGiIIicuddy
and the other one's name was McIntosh.
McGiIIicuddy said to McIntosh,
''HeIIo, Mr. McGiIIicuddy.''
And McGiIIicuddy....
McIntosh said to McGiIIicuddy:
''HeIIo, Mr. McGiIIicuddy.''
Then McGiIIicuddy said to McIntosh,
''How is Mrs. McIntosh?''
And McIntosh said to McGiIIicuddy,
''How is Mrs. McGiIIicuddy?''
I wish they'd never met.
So do I.
How is this one?
Two men are Iooking at the moon.
One of them says to the other:
''Is it true that a Iot of peopIe
Iive on the moon?''