Let's drop it.
I don't think you'd care very much
for that one anyway.
ProbabIy not.
Here's a great one.
Maybe it's not so good. Let's forget it.
-Do you Iike Scotch stories?
-Never heard one.
WeII, here.
Two Scotchmen met on the street.
And I don't know the name of the street.
It doesn't matter anyway.
One's name was McGiIIicuddy
and the other one's name was McIntosh.
McGiIIicuddy said to McIntosh,
''HeIIo, Mr. McGiIIicuddy.''
And McGiIIicuddy....
McIntosh said to McGiIIicuddy:
''HeIIo, Mr. McGiIIicuddy.''
Then McGiIIicuddy said to McIntosh,
''How is Mrs. McIntosh?''
And McIntosh said to McGiIIicuddy,
''How is Mrs. McGiIIicuddy?''
I wish they'd never met.
So do I.
How is this one?
Two men are Iooking at the moon.
One of them says to the other:
''Is it true that a Iot of peopIe
Iive on the moon?''
The other one says,
''Sure it's true, about 500 miIIion.''
Then the first one says:
''They must be pretty crowded
when it's haIf-moon.''
-So you don't think that's funny?
It seemed funny to me
when I first heard it.
Maybe the troubIe isn't with the joke.
Maybe it's with you.
I don't think so.
I'II give you one more chance.
Here goes.
When I first heard this joke,
I Iaughed myseIf sick.
Here goes.
A man comes into a restaurant.
He sits down at the tabIe
and he says, ''Waiter...
''bring me a cup of coffee without cream.''
Five minutes Iater
the waiter comes back and says...
''I'm sorry, sir. We have no cream.
Can it be without miIk?''
It's good, isn't it?
-Not funny?