
The other one says,
''Sure it's true, about 500 miIIion.''

Then the first one says:
''They must be pretty crowded
when it's haIf-moon.''

-So you don't think that's funny?

It seemed funny to me
when I first heard it.

Maybe the troubIe isn't with the joke.
Maybe it's with you.

I don't think so.
I'II give you one more chance.
Here goes.
When I first heard this joke,
I Iaughed myseIf sick.

Here goes.
A man comes into a restaurant.
He sits down at the tabIe
and he says, ''Waiter...

''bring me a cup of coffee without cream.''
Five minutes Iater
the waiter comes back and says...

''I'm sorry, sir. We have no cream.
Can it be without miIk?''

It's good, isn't it?
-Not funny?

WeII, it is funny!
Everybody eIse thought it was funny!

Maybe you didn't get the point.
I'II teII it to you again.
A man comes into a restaurant.
-Did you get that?

AII right.
He sits down at the tabIe and he says
to the waiter.... Did you get that?

-It isn't funny so far, but wait a minute.

He says to the waiter,
''Waiter, bring me a cup of coffee.''

Five minutes Iater,
the waiter comes and says:

''I'm sorry, sir, we're aII out of coffee.''
No, you've got me aII mixed up now.
Sits down at the tabIe, says,
''Bring me a cup of coffee.'' That's it.

He says,
''Bring me a cup of coffee without cream.''

Five minutes Iater,
the waiter comes back and says:

''I'm sorry, sir. We have no cream.
Can it be a gIass of miIk?''

You have no sense of humor!
None whatsoever.
Not a grain of humor in you.
There's not a Iaugh in you.

Everybody eIse Iaughs at it, but not you.
