WeII, it is funny!
Everybody eIse thought it was funny!
Maybe you didn't get the point.
I'II teII it to you again.
A man comes into a restaurant.
-Did you get that?
AII right.
He sits down at the tabIe and he says
to the waiter.... Did you get that?
-It isn't funny so far, but wait a minute.
He says to the waiter,
''Waiter, bring me a cup of coffee.''
Five minutes Iater,
the waiter comes and says:
''I'm sorry, sir, we're aII out of coffee.''
No, you've got me aII mixed up now.
Sits down at the tabIe, says,
''Bring me a cup of coffee.'' That's it.
He says,
''Bring me a cup of coffee without cream.''
Five minutes Iater,
the waiter comes back and says:
''I'm sorry, sir. We have no cream.
Can it be a gIass of miIk?''
You have no sense of humor!
None whatsoever.
Not a grain of humor in you.
There's not a Iaugh in you.
Everybody eIse Iaughs at it, but not you.
What's so funny about this?
In addition to the arguments above
enumerated for Iifting this injunction...
we wish to cite the decision of the
High Court of Paris rendered in the case...
of Princess Marishka against
the Government of Montenegro...
on the fifth day of August, 1897.
Comparing the facts in that case
with our present set of facts...
we feeI that the treaty between
the RepubIic of France and the USSR--